Kamis, November 18, 2010


PSPB (Pertanyaannya Sedikit, Penjawabannya Berliku) !

  1. Jelaskan tentang definisi Software Komputer !
  2. Klasifikasikan dan jelaskan secara singkat namun jelas tentang Software Komputer yang disertai Nama Ekstensi Filenya ! Oleh karena itu agar tak bingun 7 keliling, segera Cari Panduan Gratis di Internet, LKS, Buku Komputer dan Sumber Lainnya yang penting halal tentang : Klasifikasi Software, Namanya, Fungsinya dan Nama Ekstensi Filenya. Misalnya Ms Word, maka Nama Kalsifikasinya sebagai Software Aplikasi, Nama Softwarenya "Microsoft Office Word", Fungsinya untuk membuat dokumen berbasis huruf-huruf/kata-kata. Setelah mengetik Dokumen di Ms Word, lalu menyimpannya (Save As) di Drive Yang Aman yakni minimal D: , dengan File Name : PSPB History 1 dan, maka Hasil Simpanan tersebut bilamana akan dibuka kembali di Windows Explorer akan muncul tanda PSPB History.doc. Berarti Ekstensi Filenya ".doc". Oleh sebab itu, agar menjadi jawaban yang mudah dipahami dan diterapkan, maka susunlah menjadi jawaban yang sistematis dengan Tata Urutan sebagai berikut : NomorNama Software
  3. Jelaskan definisi Ekstensi File ?
  4. Ekstensi File (File Extension) merupakan istilah berbasis Bahasa Inggris. Bilamana di-Indonesiakan , maka istilah yang lebih mudah dimengerti oleh Si User Komputer adalah ...... ?
  5. Sebutkan dan jelaskan manfaat mengidentifikasi (mengenali) Ekstensi File (Extension File) !
  6. Jelaskan apa yang terjadi kepada Si User Komputer, bilamana tidak ada Ekstensi Filenya !?
  7. Jelaskan apa yang terjadi bilamana Si User Komputer tidak mampu mengidentifikasi Ekstensi File dari Dokumen yang telah dibuatnya !?
  8. Sebutkan dan jelaskan hikmah apa yang Anda peroleh setelah mengerjakan Tugas tersebut di atas ! 
sumber   :

Kamis, November 04, 2010

Evasem 1

Multiple Choice

  1. D
  1. Explain the proper way to turn a computer on and off
  2. Names several categories of aplication software
  3. Explain Briefly about computer operation
  4. What is the abbreviation and the function of ROM
  5. Name word processing software from windows vista operating system
  6. Name type of flash memory that you know
  7. Name three axample of computer network topology
  8. What are the ethics in using ICT devices in the places of worship
  9. Name aspect to be aware of in using a cellphone
  10. Describe the advantages of using genuine software
  1. @Turn On a computer : *ensure that all power cable in a computer are connected. *Tur On the CPU by pressing the On or Power button on the casing. *Turn On the monitor by pressing the On or Power button on the monitor. *Wait until the booting procedure is finished, which is shown by the desktop appearance on the monitor screen. @Turn Off a computer ; *Close all active application program. *click the Start button on the desktop menu. *Click the shutdown button. *wait a moment until the computer is shutting down.
  2. *Word Processor (Microsoft Office 2007, and Abiword) . *Graphic Suite (CorelDRAW, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Pagemaker) . *Multimedia (Microsoft Movie Maker, Adobe Premier Pro, Winamp and Power DVD) . *Web Browser (Internet explorer, mozilla firefox, and safari)
  4. ROM (Red Only Memory) is to save computer operation program, such as BIOS and booting
  5. Wordpad and Notepad

Evasem 1

Multiple Choice


  1.  Explain the proper way to turn the computer on and of!
  2. Name several categories of application software!
  3. Explain briefly about computer operation!
  4. What is the abberevation and the function of ROM!
  5. Name word processing softwre from Windows Vista operating system!
  6. Name types of flash memory that you know!
  7. Name three examples of computer network topology!
  8. What are the ethics in using ICT device in the places of worship?
  9. Name aspects to be aware of in using a cellphone!
  10. Describe the advantages of using genuine software!
  1.  @ Turning On Computer:  * Ensure that all power cable in a computer are connected, * Turn on the CPU by pressing the ON or Power button on the cassing, * Turn on tge monitor by pressing the On or Power button on the computer, * Wait until the booting procedure is finished, which is shown by the desktop appereance on the monitor screen.   @ The Shut Down: * Close all active appilication programs, * Click the start buttin on the desktop menu, * Click the Shut Down button, * Wait a moment until the computer is shutting down.
  2. * Word proccessor (Microsoft Office 2007, and Abiword).*Graphic Suite (CorelDRAW,Adobe Photoshop